Information on Seismic Networks with DOIs minted by SED

Active networks: [ CH | 1I | 4D | 5A | 8D | 8R8X | 9E | 9S | C4 | G2 | S | XJ |XY | Y5 | Y7 | YZ ]

Discontinued networks: [ 2A | 2C | 6DXA | XH | XT | YL | YM | Z3Z9 | ZP ]

CH - National Seismic Networks of Switzerland

Basic Network Information
Network code: CH
Start Date: 01-01-1980 00:00:00
Closure Date:
Network Description: National Seismic Networks of Switzerland
Creator: Swiss Seismological Service
Region: Switzerland
Archived at: SED
Abstract: National Seismic Networks of Switzerland, comprising all permanent high gain (short period and broadband) and low gain strong motion stations.
Network Type: permanent
Station Type: VBB, BB, SM
Data Restrictions: open
Stations total: 493
Stations running: 224

Station noise (PSD plots)

HHZ    ---   LHZ   ---   EHZ   ---   All Z   ---   all channels   ---   colocated HH-HG

Station Map CH

Map network stations

List of public stations:

The table below shows all stations in the swiss seismological network. Please click on the station code on the left to see the details about each station.
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station code
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GDMS Grotte-de-Moidons, FR 46.839 5.806 570.0 09-12-2004 00:00:00 14-11-2006 00:00:00
PERON Péron, France 46.19107 5.90792 707.5 08-10-2019 09:00:00
SAVIG Le Moulin, Savigny, Haute-Savoie, France 46.065923 5.973429 529.0 18-01-2018 16:00:00
CHALL Challoux, Bernex, GE 46.16774965 6.044277871 458.7 22-12-2022 09:00:00
SALEV Salève, Haute-Savoie, France 46.06019 6.09704 1083.6 18-04-2019 16:00:00
COLLE Collex-Bossy, Route de la Vieille-Bâtie, GE 46.29249 6.12055 447.0 20-03-2020 20:00:00
SGEM Geneve, Marziano, GE 46.193 6.13 377.0 05-06-1992 00:00:00 23-02-2004 00:00:00
LADOL La Dôle, La Barillette, VD 46.43213 6.13151 1455.0 23-08-2019 15:00:00
SGEV Geneve, Feuerwehrzentrale, GE 46.20062 6.13676 372.0 13-12-2011 00:00:00
SONUG Office des Nations Unies à Genève (ONUG), GE 46.22761 6.13882 434.6 31-10-2019 18:00:00
STG Saint-George, VD 46.53357 6.26513 1130.0 19-06-1981 00:00:00 02-01-2002 14:00:00
GIMEL St. Georges, Gimel, VD 46.53364 6.26545 1094.0 06-09-1999 14:00:00
VINZL Vinzel, Chemin de la Chaponnière, VD 46.45175 6.27815 553.0 25-10-2019 12:00:00
FORET La Forêt, Jussy, GE 46.2317425 6.293445278 501.0 15-12-2022 12:00:00
MESRY MESRY, Chemin du Plantez, France 46.346559 6.30842 425.7 08-10-2019 18:00:00
AUBON Aubonne, Arboretum, VD 46.51216 6.36424 590.6 08-11-2021 17:00:00
MDGS Mont-de-Guillon, FR 47.3147 6.3927 450.0 20-10-2004 00:00:00 14-11-2006 00:00:00
BAULM Baulmes, Aiguilles de Baulmes, VD 46.7872 6.46757 1237.0 01-02-2022 19:00:00
BRANT Les Verrieres, NE 46.93801 6.47298 1145.0 10-10-2002 18:42:00
LASAR La Sarraz, Réservoir des Aleveys, VD 46.66648 6.49025 615.1 19-01-2023 18:00:00
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