Information on Seismic Networks with DOIs minted by SED

Active networks: [ CH | 1I | 4D | 5A | 8D | 8R8X | 9E | 9S | C4 | G2 | S | XJ | XM | XY | Y5 | Y7 | YZ ]

Discontinued networks: [ 2A | 3Z | 2C | 6DXA | XH | XT | YL | YM | Z3Z9 | ZF | ZP ]

5A - Temporary Deployments operated by industry partners of the Swiss Seismological Serrvice, typically associated with geothermal monitoring projects

Network code: 5A
Start Date: 01-01-2021 00:00:00
Closure Date: 31-12-2030 23:59:59
Network Description: Temporary Deployments operated by industry partners of the Swiss Seismological Serrvice, typically associated with geothermal monitoring projects
Creator: Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich
Region: Switzerland and bordering region
Archived at: SED
Abstract: Networks typcially comprising high gain short period or broadband sensors in the vicintity of industrial exploration.
Network Type: temporary
Station Type: SP
Data Restrictions: restricted
Stations total: 19
Stations running: 13

Station noise (PSD plots)

currently active channels  -  discontinued channels

Station Map 5A

Map network stations
Current page:  Lines/page: 
station code
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BOECO Boecourt, Vault, JU 47.355338 7.213585 584.5 09-11-2023 18:00:00
COURF Courfaivre, farm house, JU 47.323584 7.27606 612.6 30-11-2023 18:00:00
DEVEL Develier, water reservoir, JU 47.364938 7.283576 559.7 07-12-2023 18:00:00
DULLY Dully, VD 46.433673 6.29928 422.9 01-07-2022 00:00:00 02-05-2024 08:11:00
EVIOB Evionnaz, VS 46.17931 7.01811 505.072 25-10-2021 16:00:00 20-06-2024 15:30:00
GCDIG Golf Club Domaine Impérial, VD 46.404576 6.274054 395.0 20-05-2024 00:00:00
GIEZB Giez, VD 46.813396 6.603316 572.0 20-09-2022 00:00:00
GILLY Gilly, VD 46.478051 6.30014 828.0 01-07-2022 00:00:00 02-05-2024 09:22:00
MEXWH Saint-Maurice, Mex, VS 46.19257 6.99784 1087.276 25-10-2021 16:00:00
MORCL Morcles, Lavey-Morcles, VD 46.20926 7.03551 1171.0 21-12-2021 00:00:00 11-03-2024 09:00:00
SA001 Satigny, GE 46.228562 6.033132 434.14 25-02-2025 00:00:00
SEIDE La Seigne Dessus, JU 47.329281 7.162598 888.1 03-11-2023 18:00:00 03-04-2024 18:00:00
SEPRA Seprais, abandoned reservoir, JU 47.369256 7.223022 679.3 22-11-2023 18:00:00
SIGES Drilling Site Glovelier GES, JU 47.333753 7.219866 493.8 22-05-2024 15:00:00
SIPAD Reservoir les Ravieres, JU 47.34579 7.19808 604.7 03-04-2024 18:00:00
SUSCE Suscévaz, VD 46.767329 6.588733 453.0 20-09-2022 00:00:00
UNDER Undervelier, Bunker Fortin des Forges, JU 47.30968 7.22014 541.5 13-04-2023 15:00:00
VICHC Vich, VD 46.435112 6.260124 455.7 01-07-2022 00:00:00 19-04-2024 11:43:00
YVEPV Yverdon, VD 46.789681 6.636916 432.0 20-09-2022 00:00:00