Information on Seismic Networks with DOIs minted by SED

Active networks: [ CH | 1I | 4D | 5A | 8D | 8R8X | 9E | 9S | C4 | G2 | S | XJ |XY | Y5 | Y7 | YZ ]

Discontinued networks: [ 2A | 2C | 6DXA | XH | XT | YL | YM | Z3Z9 | ZP ]

CH - National Seismic Networks of Switzerland

Basic Network Information
Network code: CH
Start Date: 01-01-1980 00:00:00
Closure Date:
Network Description: National Seismic Networks of Switzerland
Creator: Swiss Seismological Service
Region: Switzerland
Archived at: SED
Abstract: National Seismic Networks of Switzerland, comprising all permanent high gain (short period and broadband) and low gain strong motion stations.
Network Type: permanent
Station Type: VBB, BB, SM
Data Restrictions: open
Stations total: 493
Stations running: 224

Station noise (PSD plots)

HHZ    ---   LHZ   ---   EHZ   ---   All Z   ---   all channels   ---   colocated HH-HG

Station Map CH

Map network stations

List of public stations:

The table below shows all stations in the swiss seismological network. Please click on the station code on the left to see the details about each station.
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station code
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KAMOR Kamor, St.Gall Rh.T, SG 47.2896 9.4875 1730.0 19-01-1999 00:00:00 26-10-2004 14:45:00
SGLK Kantonsspital, Glarus, GL 47.04497 9.06607 481.3 19-07-2017 00:00:00
BLOTZ Kappelen, Rue du Rhin, France 47.620722 7.44 308.0 08-10-2020 12:00:00
SKEH Kerns, Hobiel, OW 46.9029 8.2715 609.0 23-06-1992 00:00:00 30-10-2012 00:00:00
SKEK Kerns, Kirchgemeinde, OW 46.90216 8.27752 568.7 24-02-2019 12:00:00
KIZ Kirchzarten, Germany 47.95617 7.91817 444.0 25-12-1996 00:00:00 25-09-2009 23:59:59
ACB Klingnau, Acheberg, AG 47.58772 8.25474 468.0 13-07-1983 00:00:00
EKLO Klosters, GR 46.844 9.88292 1480.0 04-11-1986 00:00:00 03-06-1987 00:00:00
EKLE Klosters, GR 46.84109 9.88023 1530.0 31-07-1987 00:00:00 08-09-1988 23:59:59
SZUF Kloten, Flughafen, ZH 47.4662 8.5541 467.0 09-04-1998 00:00:00 06-05-2009 00:00:00
SKLW Kloten, Waffenplatz, ZH 47.463 8.56745 428.0 29-05-2015 08:53:00
KREB Kreuzboden, VS, GNSS network 46.138335 7.964282 2463.483645 06-02-2023 00:00:00 08-02-2023 00:00:00
SKRK Kreuzlingen, Kantonsschule, TG 47.648113 9.180592 403.4 17-04-2015 11:34:56
SKIES Kriens Schulhaus, LU 47.021692 8.30021 449.81 20-07-2023 18:00:00
SENIN Lac de Senin, Sanetsch, VS 46.36335 7.29938 2019.6 06-02-2002 00:00:00
SLCF La Chaux-de-Fonds, Flughafen, NE 47.08296 6.79236 1017.0 20-09-2016 14:30:00
SALAN Lac Salanfe, VS 46.14415 6.97302 1881.3 11-07-2001 00:00:00
LADOL La Dôle, La Barillette, VD 46.43213 6.13151 1455.0 23-08-2019 15:00:00
FORET La Forêt, Jussy, GE 46.2317425 6.293445278 501.0 15-12-2022 12:00:00
RITOM Lago Ritom, SBB, TI 46.53451 8.67803 1822.0 06-10-2005 15:00:00 18-07-2012 00:00:00
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