[ CH | 1I | 2A | 2C | 4D | 5A | 6D | 8D | 8R8X | 9E | 9S | C4 | G2 | S | XA | XH | XJ | XR | XT  | XY | Y5 | Y7 | YM | Z3Z9 | ZP ]

Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment (CASE) - AlpArray Complimentary Experiment

Basic Network Information

Network code: 8X
Start Date: 01-01-2016 00:00:00
Closure Date: 31-12-2019 23:59:59
Network Description: Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment (CASE) - AlpArray Complementary Experiment
Creator: Swiss Seismological Service
Region: greater Alpine region
Archived at: SED
Abstract: Temporary deployment as an AlpArray Complementary Experiment - CASE - Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment. Broadband network.
Network Type: temporary
Station Type: BB,SP,SM
Data Restrictions: open

Station noise (PSD plots)

currently active channels  -  discontinued channels

Station Map 8X

Map network stations

List of stations:

The table below shows all stations in the 8X network.

Aktuelle Seite:  Zeilen pro Seite: 
station code
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